If you need to cancel an order…
You can cancel your order within 14 working days. In order to do this we require written notification of your intent to cancel no later than 14 days after the order has been placed. This can be in the form of an email or letter and we will confirm receipt of this notification once received.
If goods have already been received and are being returned, please send them back along with clear information detailing who they were returned by (to include order, number, name and contact details). These need to be returned to us within 14 days of you notifying us of your intention to cancel the order.
When cancelling an order you are responsible for the delivery cost incurred to return the goods – please note that aerosols may not be accepted by some carriers.
Products which are custom made (such as colour matched products) cannot be cancelled but please note that this does not affect your statutory rights (see below). Please contact our customer service team in the first instance.
If you require a refund…
You have the right to return your goods for a refund within 30 days of receiving them.
If you wish to return a product because you no longer want it you will need to cover the delivery costs associated with returning the item. The amount of the refund will be determined once we have confirmed that the product is in good condition once received back (items need to be unused and in their original packaging). Please note that aerosols, or kits containing aerosols, cannot be sent via Royal Mail. If you would like more information on this please call our customer service team.
Products which are custom made (such as colour matched products) cannot be refunded but please note that this does not affect your statutory rights (see below). Please contact our customer service team in the first instance.
Statutory rights – in the event that a product does not perform as stated, a full refund will be offered within 6 months of purchase. If the goods are required to be returned the cost will be covered by Gliptone Europe.
Please note that if a product does not perform because it was used on the wrong type of leather then we are unable to take responsibility for this. If in any doubt our customer service team are always happy to advise on all aspects of leather care and which products are suitable.